If you are a counsellor,  NDIS Psychosocial Recovery Coach or Mental Health Peer Support Worker, especially if you are working independently, in your own business, or remotely from other colleagues and peers, supervision can be an invaluable resource.  

The NDIA recommends up to 20 hours of peer supervision each year, but for a lot of people working independently, that kind of supervision can be hard to find.

“Supervision is a professional and collaborative activity between a supervisor and a peer worker in which the supervisor provides guidance and support to the worker to promote competent and ethical delivery of services and supports through the continuing development of the worker’s application of accepted professional peer work knowledge, skills, and values.”

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Supervision is an investment, that benefits both you and your clients. It provides peer workers and recovery coaches with the opportunity to reflect on their practice, enhance problem solving, improve their clarity and increase their confidence in decision-making, increase their job satisfaction, and empowers them to keep developing their practice – and themselves – ensuring better outcomes for everyone.

There are 3 main recognised functions of this kind of supervision:

1. Administrative
This part of supervision focuses on your work performance to help you improve the way you keep records, manage your workload, manage payments and financial transactions, and improves your time-management.

2. Educative
This part of supervision helps you continue your professional development and build your knowledge base. We focus on your skill set as a worker, and  provide individualised and personalised skill building and education in skill gaps in your practice that we both identify.

3. Supportive
Maybe the most important part of the supervision – especially for isolated, remote, or solo workers, is the supportive part of the supervision. I give you constructive feedback on your practice and on your development, make sure you are caring for and about yourself, work on any difficult situations that have arisen in your work, help you with having crucial conversations, and overall build your confidence in your role and in your life.


  • lived experience of mental health
  • experience working as a therapist and counsellor
  • experience working within an EAP program
  • experience working with NDIS participants as a Psychosocial Recovery Coach, both as a Senior Recovery Coach and manager for a provider, as well as working independently
  • nursing degree and 20+ years nursing in varied settings
  • degree in counselling as well as certificates in Gestalt therapy, ACT, and family systems therapy
  • currently working towards my PhD in Clinical Psychology
  • experience starting, building, and selling successful startups and small businesses
  • experience working in the corporate sector at big brands including Facebook and Twitter
  • experience managing people in small and large teams both in small business and in the corporate sector
  • completed several NDIS-specific and peer support work-specific courses and accreditations


Are you ready to build your practice and your confidence? Click here to book