Episode 6 – 10th April 2023


How to consolidate the good times.


“It’s a very simple kind of theme, this embracing change, but some people just do not do well with it at all. I’ve never had a real issue with that, that’s not part of my head noise. Change has always been OK for me, it’s the constant that’s the problem for me. Consistency sometimes gets very boring for me. Maybe that’s the ‘addict brain’.


Episode Keywords:

Mental Health, Therapy, Mindfulness, Gratitude, Personal Growth, Self-Care, Positive Emotions, Realistic Goals, Embracing Change, Personal Values, Strong Relationships, Appreciating Good Times, Resilience, Stress Reduction, Psychological Well-being, Physical Well-being, Social Connections, Burnout Prevention, Seeking Help, Emotional Awareness


Episode Summary

In this episode, we explore the concept of “what to do when things are good” in the context of therapy, mindfulness, and mental health. We discuss the importance of defining what “good” means to you personally, tuning into your emotions, and practicing gratitude. Additionally, we dive into the significance of setting realistic, manageable goals, practicing mindfulness to stay present and grounded, and embracing inevitable change. We also delve into the importance of reflecting on personal values and purpose during the good times, building strong relationships, and using good times to work on personal growth. Finally, we focus on the significance of self-care and recognizing the good times, as well as the link between feeling good and doing well. Join us as we continue to explore mental health, personal values, and self-care in future episodes.

Chapter Summaries

(0:00:02) – Reimagining Mental Health (15 Minutes)

In this episode, we explore the concept of “what to do when things are good” in the context of therapy, mindfulness, and mental health. We discuss the importance of defining what “good” means to you personally, tuning into your emotions, and practicing gratitude. Celebrating small victories and maintaining positive self-talk are also crucial for building resilience and preparing for change. Additionally, we dive into the significance of setting realistic, manageable goals, practicing mindfulness to stay present and grounded, and embracing inevitable change.


(0:14:45) – Appreciating the Good Times (9 Minutes)

In this segment, we delve into the importance of reflecting on personal values and purpose during the good times, acknowledging the role of luck and privilege in our success, and practicing mindfulness to fully appreciate these moments. We also discuss the potential dangers of complacency and the importance of staying flexible, open to change, and grounded in reality. Additionally, we explore using good times to build strong relationships, plan for the future, work on personal growth, and share positivity with others. We emphasize the need to take care of ourselves and be prepared for life’s ups and downs’


(0:23:40) – Self-Care and Positive Emotions (16 Minutes)

In this part of the conversation, we focus on the significance of self-care and recognizing the good times, as well as the link between feeling good and doing well. We discuss the importance of prioritizing oneself, maintaining momentum, and avoiding burnout. Additionally, we explore a clinical psychology review paper on the role of positive emotions in psychological and physical well-being, highlighting the benefits for mental and physical health, resilience, stress reduction, and social connections.


(0:40:49) – Seeking Help and Support (1 Minutes)

In this discussion, we express our gratitude for your support and encourage you to engage with us on social media or through our website. We also emphasize the importance of seeking help when needed and provide a resource for those in need in Australia. Join us as we continue to explore mental health, personal values, and self-care in future episodes’


The 10 Takeaway Tips This Week

1. Practice gratitude daily.

2. Engage in activities that bring you joy.

3. Connect with others.

4. Practice mindfulness.

5. Set achievable goals.

6. Volunteer or give back.

7. Take care of your physical health.

8. Learn something new.

9. Practice self-care.

10. Express your gratitude to someone else.

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inspired by
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Episode Transcript


G’Day everyone, and welcome to this episode episode number six of the reboot your thinking podcast. This is the podcast that reimagines mindset, mindfulness, and mental health from the perspective of someone who gives and gets therapy. Today’s session. Today’s session. Today’s episode is inspired by a question from one of you from a listener, and this is Jesse’s question. Hey, Nick.


I’ve been a fan of your work for a long time now. And I really value your opinions and insights because of your professional and life experience. I see and listen to a lot of therapy, life coaching, podcast. It always seems to be focused on healing and problems. But I wonder what’s your opinion? What’s your a professional approach of when things are good, what do you do? Okay. So Jesse’s question basically is, you know, what do we do when things are good? What about when things are good? And it’s a really good question, Jesse, and I’m really glad you said it and say thank you. For that. But I I think the the power of this question is comes from, you know, a lot of the work that I do is with people who are either in crisis or close to it or, you know, they’ve they’ve been dealing with something that makes them feel like they’re performing at a suboptimal level. Right? So things aren’t that great. Well, things weren’t that great in the past. And it’s still affecting them today. But this is a really good question because recovery is the goal here. Right? Recovery is the goal and being good and feeling good is obviously what I’m trying to do with clients and what my clients are always trying to do for themselves and trying to look for themselves.


So there’s a couple of things that I think are worth talking about today in this topic of, you know, what about when it’s good? What do we do when things are good? And the first thing I think is really just to understand what good means to you, you know, by asking yourself what you think is a good situation or a good feeling or a good sense of your life. Like, what’s a good period of your life? What has been a good period of your life and what would be if you if you can’t really relate to that, which sadly a lot of people can’t. Right? So the first thing is your your definition of good. Is important here. I think you need to identify your your personal definition of what is good so that you can recognize it when it happens. Even if you’re not in it right now, you know, what would be good? What what is the expectation here? What what is the goal here? And for a lot of people, they just can’t really even get, excuse me, get their their head around that. Like, I don’t know what’s good because I’ve never felt it. You know, I don’t know what’s good because I don’t know how far I can go from where I am now in this bad place. You know, so so that definition of good is is really really important first step. Right?


And then I think it’s also important to pay attention to the emotions that are that are around that, that surround that, that trigger those feelings, you know, take the time to tune into your emotions and notice when you’re feeling content, when you are feeling happy, when you are feeling fulfilled. Well, first of all, are you feeling those things? But then secondly, when do you do? Like, what’s going on around you? What what are the triggers for that? What are the incidents for that? What things, you know, when things are going well or we often take those positive emotions for granted. And and so it’s important to recognize them and savor them. Even if you don’t feel them that much, it’s still important to to not take them for granted. And to know that, you know, things have been crook in the past, but now they’re doing better. Things are doing better now, but they could still be better still. You know, that kind of timeline of of emotion and understanding and feeling those emotions is is a really important way to establish First of all, is this good? Like, am I in a place where I wanna be? And and if I am, how do I stay here? Right?


A lot of it comes back to, like, everything comes back to gratitude too, you know, being grateful when things are good. It’s important to cultivate a sense of gratitude, you know, and taking some time each day to reflect on what you’re thankful for. And express gratitude for those things. And and I’ve talked about this a million times away, bang on about it again today, but when you write down what you’re grateful for, you are more grateful for it. That is a scientific truth. That’s not my opinion. That’s not Wuru stuff that is scientific opinion, that it’s important to write things down, to literally pen and paper, write things down, and and you or become more grateful for those things that you say you are grateful for.


To celebrate little wins along the way, you know, a lot of this stuff is the same sort of content that we’ve talked about before because it works, and it’s a a staple of what I do. But celebrating little victories is really important. It’s easy to focus on what we haven’t accomplished. But when things are going well, it’s important to celebrate our successes. Right? So that includes just taking the time to acknowledge our wins, our accomplishments, and and give yourself credit for the hard work that you’ve done that has gotten you there. You know, these things aren’t luck. You don’t win a raffle and then suddenly you’re happy, you know, it’s there’s a lot of work goes on here. There’s a lot of construction. That goes on here that you’re responsible for. And if you’re not celebrating the success of that or the victories of that, then it’s very difficult to see the bigger picture of when things are really, really, really good and what to do in those times as well.


Positive self talk is important in these in these moments too, you know, when things are good, it’s easy to slip into negative self talk thinking things like, you know, this can’t last. I don’t deserve this. I always fuck this up from here. This is you know, I I’m just waiting for it to fail. All of those things that we say to ourselves, almost guarantee that it will, you know, So instead of that, to use positive self talk, to reinforce the good things in your life and and build your confidence, you know, and and out of those things comes in increased resilience. Positive self talk leads to self acceptance leads to put at least to resilience that you can’t sort of get there without that. Right? So while it’s important to enjoy the good times, also important to build resilience for when things might not be so good. Right? Practicing self care, maintaining a strong support system, developing healthy coping mechanisms so that you’re better equipped to handle challenges when they arise. This work is much better done. When the sun shining, you know, when things are good. It’s a lot easier to prepare for battle when you’re not in the battle. Right? And and all of those fortifications that you build around yourself through self care, through self compassion, through self awareness. Self acceptance, maintaining a good support system, developing good healthy coping mechanisms. All of those things mean that when the sun stops shining or when it gets a little bit cloudy, down the track that we are better equipped to deal with that. We’re ready. Right?


Setting goals is an important thing that we can do when things aren’t so good too. Like when things are good, it’s a great time to set goals for the future. And like I’ve mentioned, you know, a few times now and several times really, these girls need to be manageable. They need to be, you know, realistic. They need to be time sensitive. They need to be, you know, small and and manageable, attainable things. Right? These goals don’t need to be the big goal of your life, the big five year plan. Five year plans.


It’s just such a waste of energy when you’re trying to go day to day and then you’ve got this big thing hanging over over hanging over your head of your own construction that you can’t possibly see that you can attain because of today’s challenges, you know? Deal with today. Just for today, what are you gonna do? And then what am I gonna do tomorrow? That’s it. That’s about all I’d like to think about for my own future, you know. And then after that, I’ll work it out as we go one day at a time. But this is this is a really big underlying factor through through my life and through a lot of my clients stuff that I see as well, you know. Think about what you want to accomplish, you know, create a plan to make that happen, do that while the sunshine.


Having something to work towards can help you maintain your momentum and keep the good times going. So it’s not just it’s not just an important thing to recognize when you’re in these good times. But how do we how do we keep them going? How do we build momentum? How do we put routine in place so that it is a practice for us. It’s not it’s not a fluke. You’re not winning full. This is this is the work you’ve done. This is the prep. You know?


When things are good, it’s it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and and forget to be present. Too. And that’s why practicing mindfulness can help you stay grounded and and appreciate the good things in your life, like even more. So, you know, my phone is often the answer for me and it certainly is in this too when you’re good. First of all, when things good. First of all, you know, it takes some mindfulness and some self awareness to go, oh, things are good. Right? Things aren’t aren’t crap at the moment. I’m doing well. Things are falling into place, you know. Everything might not be coming up in your house, but at least, you know, you’re you’re moving in the right direction. So once you’ve got the mindfulness of, okay, things are doing well. Then the mindfulness of, well, here is how I feel today. How am I gonna feel this afternoon? What can I do today so that tomorrow is better again? These are the important things. Right?


Embracing change is a good sort of thing to keep in mind when things are good, you know, good times can often lead to feeling complacent. But it’s important to remember that change is inevitable. Now bad times aren’t inevitable, but changes like it’s things are going to change. And if you’re not ready for that change, then it can be a negative experience. You don’t even have to be ready for the change that’s coming. Just be ready for change in general, you know. Things things are going to be different. Every day, people are different. Every day a relationship changes. Every day we change as people. Right? So embrace that change and use the good time to prepare for whatever is coming next. It’s it’s a very simple process.


It was a very simple kind of theme, this embracing change, but some people just do not do well with it at all. And I think maybe like, I’ve never had a real issue with that. I don’t know. That’s not been a part of my head noise, makeup, change has always been okay for me. It’s the constant. It’s the problem for me. So you know, that consistency sometimes gets very boring for me and I, yeah, that’s maybe that’s the addict brain. But, yeah, embracing changes are very important thing to focus on when things are good. So it’s just positivity in general. Right? Not toxic positively, not being positive at all cost. But when things are good, it’s it’s important to spread positivity and and lift others up. Right?


Sharing sharing your good fortune. Not your good luck, but sharing your good fortune with others. Might help them find their own reasons to feel good and that your job isn’t to make anyone else happy. That’s not what I’m saying. But sharing that But if you can share your good fortune and, you know, positive and positive messaging, positive communications, and that in turn just help someone else, then why wouldn’t you? You know, that’s that’s that’s a positive thing. That’s a good thing for all of us.


This is the time too that maybe is the time to take risks. So a lot of my clients are risk averse. They are not risk takers. And, you know, you could argue that their inability to take a risk or change the storyline has perpetuated trauma in their life. And and sometimes that has sort of bitten them on the bomb too. This inability to take risk. Now I also have a bunch of clients who who live with addiction, who have no problem taking risks. And and so that’s that’s a zero or a hundred, and there is a fifty in here. Right? Fifty is when when things are good, it’s it’s easy to play it safe. Right? But taking a calculated risk can help you continue to grow and continue to improve and not just stop and get stuck, not just stay where you are. Right? So think about how do you step out of your comfort zone and try new things? Because when the sun’s shining, when things are good, It it is the time to try new things. You know, it is the time potentially to take a risk that you wouldn’t take otherwise. Yeah.


Finding purpose is is an important sort of thing to think about when things are good as well. Now, have to do a a podcast an episode on on purpose because I think it’s such a bastardized thing by so many people that pedal, they’re going, you know, they they’re going to sell you your purpose on Instagram or whatever it might be. But I just don’t think finding your purpose singular is is that important, you know? I think finding your purposes and, you know, finding finding what is joyous and what brings you happiness is important. But too often, I think we align purpose with commercial interest, purpose with salary, purpose with promotion. Purpose with status. And I don’t think those things necessarily are the same thing.


But just speaking of purpose, like, when things are good, it can be easy to lose sight of what really matters to you, you know. Because we’ve got this stuff now and we’re not necessarily on the hunt and on the chase anymore for other things. So taking some time when when things are good to reflect on your values and what gives your life purpose and use that as a guide for your actions moving forward. If there’s ever a better time than when things are good to do that, then I then I don’t know what it is, you know. We talked we’ve talked a bit about, or I’ve talked a bit, about luck in this in this episode already.


And sometimes I think it’s important when things are good to recognize the Now, let’s say before you know, it’s not all luck when things go good, but sometimes things are fortunate things may have happened that that made you think, okay. Excuse me. Okay. Without that stroke of luck, I wouldn’t be, you know, achieving where I am. Right now. Excuse me.


So when things are good, it’s important to acknowledge the role that luck and privilege may have played in our success. Right? Now, not to downplay, not to be sorry for it not to feel shame around it or anything else. Just acknowledge it. Right? Because that can help us maintain a sense of perspective. And gratitude and motivate us to use our good fortune then to help ourselves and and possibly then in turn to help others as well.


If you if you don’t think there is a little bit of fortune in in the good times, then it I I think it just makes us appreciate those good times a little bit less that you think, you know, or this is only because I’ve worked. So fucking hard for so long that I’ve got these things, and that might be true. But I doubt there’s not a little bit of fortune along the way too, you know. Which is important because if you’re gonna save at the moment, if you’re going to be present and mindful in your successful moments in the good times. Then, you know, that’s important. When things are good, it’s it’s easy to get caught up in planning for the future or worrying about what might go wrong. Right? That neither of those things are savoring the moment. You know, it’s a practicing mindfulness and savoring savoring the moment. In the present moment can help us to fully appreciate the good times and experience those good times more deeply and and more really, you know. Yeah.


Using the good times to build strong relationships is another good sort of thing to think about. When you’re feeling good, it can be easier to build and strengthen our relationships with others. I’m not necessarily talking about intimate relationships here or marriages or anything like that. I’m the last person to give you any canceling around that. But you know, just being in relationship with another person. This is when it’s when things are good, it’s easier to build that and strengthen that, you know. So use the time when things are good to connect with loved ones. Reach out to new occurrences, you know, build new friendships, build a supportive network that can help you whether the difficult times that may be coming back, that may be somewhere down the track, maybe. Right? But if, again, preparing for the battle is easier when you’re not in the battle. And and building these relationships, strengthening these connections, it’s really good to be able to do that whilst things are good, whilst the sun is shining, whilst you’re not in the battle.


And and to do that without fear, you know, sometimes fear can really hold us back obviously, but certainly in a good times, they can too, you know. Sometimes when when things are good, we we become kind of afraid of losing what we have. Or making mistake, taking a risk, as I said before, and losing the whole lot, you know. So I would just support you to not let fear hold you back from pursuing your goals or taking risks that could lead to even greater success and fulfillment of your life, you know. Complacency is is a killer, and it’s it’s a very comfortable, warm, safe, friendly place to be.


In complacency and and in that comfort zone. So I call it comfort zone. Right? In that comfort zone, you know, it’s very difficult sometimes to keep moving forward in very easy to kind of get stuck. And and I don’t want that for you. Right? So stay flexible. Be be open to change, you know. Well well, it’s important to appreciate the good times. It’s also important to stay flexible and open to change because you know, you don’t know what’s coming down the track and you don’t know whether some difficulties would be coming back. You don’t know whether it’s going to get better still. Right? So you gotta be certain, you know, somewhat flexible and open to change so that you can accept the good stuff as well as be ready for the less good stuff. Right? Don’t become so attached to the, you know, the status quo, the the way that you are now, that you resist new opportunities or fail to adapt to changing circumstances. That’s that’s a really important thing too. That complacency will drag you down and hold you in place. And, you know, that stops the bad stuff. Maybe, but it also stops the even better stuff coming into your life as well.


You can use these good times as a chance to reflect and plan for the future. Right? So when things are good, it can be easy to become complacent and forget to plan for the future or or not want to, not even forget, just be terrified of it so that you don’t. Right? But this is the perfect time to reflect on our goals and on our aspirations on where we wanna be, on who we wanna be, and and make plans to achieve them. It’s much, much easier to do that while while we’re in good times, you know. You can use the momentum then of the good times to to work on your own personal growth. Right? When when we’re feeling good about ourselves and our lives, it can be easier to work on personal growth. It can be easier to work on self improvement. Because of that momentum, you can use the momentum to focus on developing new skills, building healthy habits, improving your interpersonal relationships, all of those things come from momentum and all of those thing and momentum comes from being able to take risk and being able to assess and feel, okay, this is where I am right now. I don’t wanna stay here. Although it’s great, I don’t wanna stay here. I wanna keep moving forward. Right? So how do we how do we do that? Right?


When things are good, it’s important to share that positivity with with others too, like, to share you good fortune and use that good fortune to help others whether it’s through acts of kindness through volunteering or simply just sharing your energy, you know, sharing that positive energy around you. These These are the things that work to keep you grounded, as well as keep you grateful but be able to see down the track that there’s still things that you want. There’s still aspirations there. Right? And it stops you from becoming overconfident that too. You know? Well well, it’s important to draw enjoy the good times. So you’ll see important to stay grounded and to avoid becoming overconfident because that could bite on the bomb too while while everything’s going great.


You know, I know that’s happened to me before several times in my life where I’ve gone, okay, I am absolutely killing it here and nothing can go wrong and sure shit the next day. Something goes wrong because I’ve become overconfident. Right? Life is full of ups and downs. We’ve got to remember that life is full of that roller coaster stuff. And that, you know, difficult times while they might not inevitably they come again, they they could. And I wanna be prepared for that. You know, I wanna use the good times to build my resilience and be prepared for the challenges ahead when they can’t. These are all really important things. But I think the bottom line too for me, like, of of all of the sort of reasons or all of the things I wanna do when when things are going well. And and when I’m when things are good and I’m doing well, is to remember to take care of myself. Right? Really, really importantly.


So even during good times, it’s important to prioritize self care. To put yourself first. And I know so many of us have been told that’s the last thing you should do. You should put everyone else first in it. I just don’t believe it. I don’t. Because they’re all you know, if you’re showing up half aaster, if you’re showing up as a a shadow of yourself. Then you’re no good to anyone else anyway. Right? So make sure you’re eating enough sleep. Make sure you’re eating well. Make sure you’re you’re moving, you’re exercising, that you’re engaging activities that make you happy, that have you feel fulfilled. That spark joy. Right? And and this helps them momentum, maintain the momentum, avoid burnout, super important also, and and still be able and ready if things go not so great or if things get even better. So practicing self care, putting yourself first, prioritizing yourself. And this is a really good thing to do when things are good. Whilst remembering that we don’t wanna become overconfident and have that bite us on the bum either. But If we’re not doing those things, we’re not gonna be ready to accept and to really feel how good things can be and will be. In the future once we build the resilience and have that momentum pushing us forward. Okay.


Today’s academic paper, So each week, I present a peer reviewed evidence based paper that that relates to the theme we’re talking about. So this is the theme of feeling good. Today’s paper comes from twenty twenty two, so it’s only a year old, was published in the clinical psychology review. The title is exploring the role of positive emotions in psychological and physical well-being. This is really well written and it’s and it comes from the place of celebrating what’s good. It doesn’t necessarily come from a place of everything’s going to be crap again, which is nice, but it also is set up so that you do celebrate the wins in order to maybe feel even better in the future. So that’s what I like about it.


It reviews the current research on the relationship between positive emotions and psychological and physical. Health and well-being. And the authors of the paper argue that positive emotions have a range of benefits for mental and physical health, right, including the promotion of resilience, the reduction of stress, the enhancing of social connections and friendships and relationships. All of these things are what the the authors looked at as in correlation with each other. Right? It also discusses the role of positive emotions in various kind of sections and facets of our life. Right? So work and relationships and fun and sport and leisure activities. Right? And the office then sort of came to the conclusion, provide insight into how positive or emotional can be cultivated and maintained over time. And and there’s lots of practical suggestions for individuals kinda seeking to increase their positive emotions and well-being.


But it’s really the interesting part about the paper is is the absolute proven link between feeling good and doing good. Right? Feeling good in doing well, sorry, I should say. Overall, the the paper provides a comprehensive overview of of the research and on the benefits of positive emotions and and then there’s lots of valuable insights in there for people trying to trying to improve their mental health and their physical health through positive psychology, but also then just being aware of when you are in those good times. And that’s the positive link. That’s the really good link between what we’re talking about today in this paper is the awareness the mindful awareness of when things are good. And in relation to my very very first point of, well, what is good? Right? The definition of good is what’s important here as well. So, yeah, suggest to check that paper out. If you wanna have a quick read, I’ll put the the name of the paper in the show notes. You can Google it. But yeah, it’s it’s a really valuable sort of piece that absolutely shows the link between feeling good, like feeling when things are good, and the potential then for increased physical and mental health and well-being. As a result of being aware of when when things are good, the very the very subject of of Jesse’s question and the subject of of this episode.


Okay. So tips. So today, I’ve got ten tips on how you can or what you can do when things are good, you know, things you can take forward. So in each episode, as you know, if you listen to a few, I’ll I’ll give you about ten tips. At the end, actual stuff that you can tangibly take and put it action this week between episodes and hopefully be able to if you are feeling good and you’re in a good space, which just the opposite of the ears with this question, and that’s great for him. Then, you know, what what can we do to to keep that going? How do what can we do to build the momentum and keep keep the good times rolling. Right?


Number one. Practice gratitude daily. It’s always my number one man. Like, take a few minutes each day to reflect them what you’re grateful for. Write it down in a journal, share it with a friend or or a loved one, but writing it down is important. When you write something down that you’re grateful for, you are more grateful for it. That’s science. No. That’s not my opinion. That’s research bass.


So that’s the first thing, second thing is engage in activities that bring you joy. Make time for activities that make you happy and bring a sense of fulfillment in your life. You know, it can be anything. It can be reading a book, listening to a podcast. Taking a walk, having a swim. Whatever it is that that brings you joy, I’d really encourage you to engage in more because when you’re feeling good, when things are good, sometimes you can become that complacent thing and you tend to throw out the routine stuff that you generally do routinely to improve your mental health. Or to bring yourself joy. So, yeah, I’d I’d support you not to do that. Engage in activities that bring you joy instead.


Tip number three, connect with others. Make an effort. Right? To reach out to friends or family members and network people the people in your network you haven’t talked to in a while. Call someone out of the blue, not me. That is terrifying. That sparks my anxiety, but some people like that. Have a video chat or FaceTime or or meeting meet someone in person to catch up and strengthen that relationship. The the the interpersonal connection with someone else, is scientifically proven to read that paper, is scientifically proven to to increase the chances of positive times being extended. Of letting the good times roll basically. So I’d really support you to connect with other people and build that social connection. It it works.


Number four, practice mindfulness. I kind of laugh when I say these things because they’re the same things. Not the same things every week, but you know, often these things get repeated because they are such good and important staples to mental health. But practicing mindfulness is is obviously one of them take some time each day just to be present in the moment and and focus on your thought and how you feel and what you feel, what you can hear, what you can smell, what you can touch, what, you know, what you can taste sometimes is important too. This can help reduce your stress and and reducing your stress with a bit of mindfulness helps your overall well-being. It’s a it’s a no brainer. Right?


Number five, set achievable goals. Break things down into things that you can achieve today, tomorrow, maybe two days away. At the very stretch this week. Right? But but try not to put it too far from that because these good times you know, you you are almost setting yourself up to fail. If you think these good times are gonna last forever or for a year, and these are all things you’re gonna do while it’s good. You know, set achievable goals, identify a few goals you would like to achieve, break them down into small achievable steps, and importantly, celebrate your progress, track your progress along the way in in in the chasing of that goal and celebrate little wins as you get them.


Number six, voluntary or give back. Find a cause that you care about and get involved in it. Yeah. This can be volunteering at a local charity, donating money for a non profit. We’ll just doing something kind for someone who needs it. You know, giving giving close to the Venice. Peeking out papers at the park where you walk each day. Like, there’s a million different things Take three for the sea is a really great sort of initiative where where, you know, you take three bits of rubbish and crap away from the beach every time you go. If everyone does that, we live in paradise. Right? So volunteering and giving back is a really important thing and it’s definitely something that we can do when things are going well.


Number seven, take care of your physical health. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Make sure you’re eating a healthy diet. Engage in regular movement, exercise, physical activity, whatever you call it, move, everyday move. And when you do those things, you celebrate and you appreciate the good times, but you’re also again much more likely to to extend those good times out. Further. Right?


Number eight, learn something new. When things are good, it’s a really good time to Take a class or a workshop. Read a book on a topic you’re interested in or or learn a new skill. This can help keep your mind engaged. It can promote personal growth. Obviously, it promotes education and and fulfillment and self development. But but I think also you don’t have to think about a class or a workshop or a book, like Google something that is interesting. New Science Daily stuff. You know, if you Google New Science Daily, there’s there’s lots of different things that, you know, papers that have been released in the last month that that nobody else will or sort of know or talk about in your friendship circle. These are these are good things to just spark your brain and and learn something new about. Just always be curious, you know, curiosity and creativity are are two really great ways to get out of a funk for a start, but there are also really good ways to stay out of a funk and keep moving forward. So learning something new is definitely a good thing to to do along the way.


Number nine, practice self care. Right? Make time to do things that help you relax and help you recharge. So take a bath, get a massage, just go for swim, even just spending some quiet time alone, that’s my favorite. You know, things like that are definitely gonna help you again. Build momentum. And build your resilience without building confidence to a dangerous level as well.


And then the final tip is to talk about expressing gradual feeling gratitude, but the final tip is to express that gratitude to someone else. Right? When things are good, take time to thank others for their support, for their kindness. For the contributions they’ve made to your life. Make amends with people if you need to do that through gratitude. You know, just to be really grateful for if if somebody has contributed to where you are because of what they’ve done, it’s a really good time to let them know because you’re aware of it. You you know, you you can be mindfully aware that things are doing well and you’re not the only person responsible for that. Who else helped you? And reach out and express that gratitude to someone else. It helps you strengthen your relationships. It helps you promote positivity in your interactions with others. And it builds happiness in both you and someone else, which is a nice little boy product. Again, you’re not responsible for someone else’s happiness, but if by being happy and by expressing gratitude to someone else, they also are happy as a little happy little accident or a byproduct of that. And it’s a no brainer. Why wouldn’t you? Right? So those are the tips that I think help us when thinking about how we move forward and how we maintain good times and what I do and what I think about when things are going well.


So again, Jesse, thank you so much for your question, mate. If anybody else has a question, you can leave me a voice message on any of the socials or on the website. And you’re question might be featured in up upcoming episode as Jesse’s was too. I’d love to get any kind of questions like that and be able to build you know, I’ll just do the research for you and Banger Banger episode out, specifically about your questions. So please hit me up with those if you have any.


But, yeah, if you in a period where you’re feeling good right now that I’m stoked for you. And I’m really grateful for you to listen to this whilst you’re doing well because sometimes I think it’s important. Like, it’s difficult sometimes to tune into self help y type stuff when you are doing well or when you’re feeling good. So, yeah, I really appreciate you’re reaching out. I really appreciate you being able to listen and get something from this hopefully and for listening today. And and if you are doing well, I hope those good times keep rolling. And if they’re not if you’re not doing so well, then I then I I hope that you can reach out to somebody, build some strength in your own networks, build relationships and others, build some stuff in yourself, and and and keep moving forward. Keep striving to be the very best version of yourself. I really believe in you. I believe you can do that. I believe we can all do that. If we take some responsibility for that stuff as well. I hope you’re having a great day wherever you are. Reach out to someone else. Be kind, join us with. Okay. See you guys.


Thank you for listening to this episode of the reboot, your thinking, podcast. I really appreciate your support, and I am stoked to have you as part of my audience on videos. If you like what I’m doing here, please think about leaving a comment or giving me a five star review on whatever you are listening to me on. It really helps, and I’ll be really grateful. And follow me, I am at Nick Dowdich across all the socials, or you can visit my website at w w w dot nick dowdich dot com. Send me a voice message or any questions you would like to answer, and you could be featured in an upcoming episode. This track is good person by the pop wins, incidental music also supplied by soul pride music. And please remember it’s okay to seek help and support. If anything I’ve talked about today has resonated with you or brought up any concerns, please reach out to a mentor, professional, or a trusted support system. If you’re in Australia, please call offline on thirteen eleven fourteen. You don’t have to go through it all.